While the weather outside hasn’t caught up, spring has sprung in Western New York! We love the springtime at Fulton Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing because the season opens up a host of outdoor activities for our residents, and everyone seems to be in a better mood when the sun is shining, and the temperatures start to rise.

Spring is also a great time to open the windows and give the home a once-over to get things off to a fresh start. However, spring cleaning can bring with it some perils for seniors, especially ones living on their own. It’s also sometimes difficult to decide where to start.

Make a checklist

Spring cleaning can be daunting, especially if you’re carrying the load for an elderly loved one. But a project always seems more manageable when you can cross items off a list. Along with the requisite cleaning of floors and windows, don’t forget these maintenance items that may go overlooked:

  • Go through medications and prescriptions in the medicine cabinet and discard the ones that you no longer use or are expired. Make a note if you need replacements of any item.
  • Check expiration dates on all food items in the refrigerator and pantry. This will likely result in the freeing up of a lot of space!
  • If you failed to do so when we went to Daylight Saving time earlier in March, now is a good time to replace the batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
  • Check all the light bulbs in and around the house. Inspect items that may not get much use during the winter, like fans and air conditioning units. It’s better to have repairs made now instead of realizing something may be broken when you really need to use it.

Now is a good time to find out if help is needed

If you have a senior in your life who lives alone, now is a good time to assess their needs. When helping to clean their house, you may notice signs that they need assistance. Are they taking their medicine as prescribed? Are they eating enough? And if so, are they eating healthy? Also, determine if safety measures like grab bars in the shower or bathtub might be necessary. You can quietly make this assessment while performing spring cleaning duties, so you do not risk upsetting your loved one.

A little bit of time spent on making sure everything is clean and safe can go a long way into enjoying everything that springtime has to offer!