A byproduct of all the concerns and precautions regarding COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, is that standard precautions to keep us from catching viruses are taking hold. Things like washing your hands for 20 seconds, using hand sanitizer, and not touching your face are hopefully becoming second nature.

But what about cleaning items that you touch frequently (especially now that we’re spending much more time at home)?

Fulton Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has five household items that store germs and need to be cleaned frequently.


  • Remote Controls


Remote controls get handled by everyone in the house and is something that you probably haven’t thought about cleaning. You can use a disinfecting wipe to clean them, but be sure to take the batteries out (and replace the battery cover) before cleaning them.


  • Purses


Ladies: how often do you jam your hands in your purse? It’s also probably been placed on floors, countertops, and you may have even brought it into a public bathroom. Finished leather purses can be wiped down with a disinfecting wipe, while you can clean fabric bags with a cloth dipped in a mild soap solution. You can also use special antibacterial fabric sprays for this purpose.


  • Appliances


For the same reason you clean doorknobs and faucets, you should also clean appliance handles. Pay close attention to refrigerator handles, oven door handles, stove burner knobs, microwave handle and touchpad, and coffeemakers.


  • Backpacks


Backpacks have probably gone to and from school all year without being cleaned. Some are machine-washable, while ones that are not can be cleaned via the same method as fabric purses.


  • Hand and Dish Towels


If you’re using hand and dish towels to dry your hands and conserving paper towels, good for you! But it’s recommended that you wash your hand and dish towels every one to two days.


To learn more about Fulton Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit http://fulton-center.facilities.centershealthcare.org/