Between fad diets and methods that are more proven, Americans are in a constant love-hate relationship with food. Some swear by certain diets that others claim just don’t work. But what’s likely occurring is that people who are not reaching their weight-loss goals are likely sabotaging themselves without even knowing it.

Fulton Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has five things millions of Americans that do more harm than good when it comes to trying to lose weight.

  1. Sleeping In

It might feel good to sleep in on a Saturday, but it can throw off your sleep cycle, which in turn can slow your body’s metabolism. Resetting your body’s sleep cycle can also make it more difficult to fall asleep from that point forward, and if you’re sleep-deprived, your body produces more of the hormone that makes you hungry.

  1. Keeping the Blinds Closed

Researchers believe that not allowing your body access to sunlight in the morning keeps it from kick-starting your metabolism, which makes your body burn fat more efficiently. So, open up those blinds when you wake up!

  1. Not Drinking Water Early

Instead of a cup of coffee and breakfast, start your day with a glass or two of water. Your body is typically more dehydrated when you wake up since it’s been deprived of water for eight hours, so if you drink some water to start the day, it will not only rehydrate you, but it will also fill you up a little bit so you can enjoy a more sensible breakfast.

  1. Drinking Too Much Juice

Juice has a reputation of being healthy, but unless you squeeze it yourself, it no longer has the fiber that’s an essential nutrient of fruit, and you’re left with consuming a large amount of sugar. Opt for a high-protein smoothie instead.

  1. Only Doing Cardio

You might think you’re running, biking, or swimming enough to lose a decent amount of weight, but you need to incorporate weight training into your routine too. Increasing muscle mass will speed up your metabolism and help you stay lean later in life.


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