People with breathing ailments like asthma are more susceptible to complications from COVID-19, so it’s more important than ever to understand the signs and symptoms of asthma. Millions of cases of asthma are believed to go undiagnosed, leaving many not only open for an asthma attack, but also potential problems if they contract COVID-19.

Fulton Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has a look at the signs and symptoms of this condition that affects more than 25 million Americans. 

Causes of Asthma

Asthma often presents itself during childhood and can either be mild or get worse as a person ages. Adverse reactions to allergens (dust, animal dander, mold, pollens) and pollutants (cigarette smoke, air pollution) are usually the primary causes. A respiratory infection can also trigger it, as can physical activity and stress.

Symptoms of Asthma

The primary symptoms are coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, and shortness of breath. It has been described as trying to breathe through a straw. 

A doctor can generally diagnose asthma by a physical exam and a lung function test.

Asthma Treatments

There are two types of drugs. Quick-relief drugs (usually administered via a nebulizer) can do what they advertise, but the relief is temporary. There are also long-term control drugs that are taken daily and work by keeping down the swelling in the body’s airways. 

Whichever method is right for you, follow your doctor’s instructions because dosage and frequency of the medication vary by person depending on the severity of the asthma.

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